Friday, October 3, 2008

The man on the scooter

He swooshes past you on the road. How dare he impede the road you own. The idiot that he is doesn’t know that the one with more wheels rules the streets. Yes, the very same faceless man hiding behind his wizer, to protect himself from an accident or curses, only he knows.
Why was he speeding anyway? Is he running late for a movie? That’s understandable. Was he late for work? Huh, the lazy retard must have got up late. Its people like him that make the streets unsafe. Zipping across between cars. So what if his scooter fits in smoothly between two sedans, he has no business to disturb others.
It’s so distracting for drivers, busy on the phone with a friend planning a party this coming weekend. I mean come on, the busy lives we lead don’t leave us with much time to catch up on.

He deserves all the malicious words thrown at him, so does his mom and his sister.

Suddenly he bumps in to you, how could he not see you were talking to your friend at the backseat? Was he blind?

Damn! The headlight is broken, and you are in big trouble because your dad will ban your rights to a car for the next 2 months. So unfair, you didn’t even do anything, it was his fault.
You scream at him, but he doesn’t. Why would he, it was his fault. No, wait, he is still down on the road. Not moving at all, just lying still. Is he breathing? How much will a headlight cost? Is he alive? Will dad kill you for damaging the car?

As you ponder over your car, his family awaits the arrival of their son for lunch.
As you weep over your probable strangled freedom, his family cries over nothing. They just cry...


Shubzi said...

Did this really happen? If it did then my hearty condolences for your future loss of freedom.

Overthinker said...

Maybe it did happen, maybe it is happening, maybe it has happened before.Coz it happens everyttme

Maybe, i am the man on the scooter.

Neeti Katoch said...

Let me get the point of your heart rendering story of the plight of a measly scooter driver on a big, big road with its big, big cars in a farely big metro...the story that reflects the 70's genre of hindi movies...I mean, how the 'simple life' of country's middle-class is subject to monstrous abuse by the prospering elite (read car driving youngsters)...I am sure your post is a manifestation of your perceived reality but without classifying things as black and white, judge the recklessness of our two wheeler drivers without prejudice..their driving on pavements if need be, mostly without helmets (or without ISI marks;)), getting around in the most unsuspected corners or crevices , dodging the cops when need be, juvenile racing with fellow riders and in the end blaming their misdeeds on the mighty who respect the stability of their four wheels

Overthinker said...

@ N

you perceived a lot of stuff from my post, that maybe even i did not visualize.
agreed that scooter drivers flirt with laws, but don't the so called big wheeled elitists do?
Scooters jump lights but aren't they joined by cars too?
Don't the innocent people 'targeted' by me in their cars, race with others on the road?
Have you ever seen a a third person suffering a serious injury due to neglience on the part of a scooterist??
Has the nation ever seen a LML vespa hit and run case?
Has a car driver ever been hurt in an accident where the cruel scooterist has fled the spot?

Ponder on these few questions first and then you can slaughter my irrelevent concern for a man balancing his way on his extremely dangerous two wheeled monster on the road.

Prateek said...
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Prateek said...

just so that all know
a kinetic does not qualify as a scooter

Overthinker said...

Thanx for dispelling the myth, if there were any!!

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