Monday, September 29, 2008

Stick it up for saturday

For ages sunday has been the official flagbearer for everything that stands for leisure. Think of the word Holiday and your mind zooms directly on a sunday. Sunday is awaited with great enthusiasm irrespective of age. School children, corporate bigshots all look forward to the 7th day of the week as if its the last of their life.

In all this, we all miss out on one important day, a day that does not get its due recognition, a day that is not shown the respect it deserves, a day that is called Saturday.

Saturday lays the foundation for humans to build a grand sunday on. Saturday does all the hard work by providing people with a day to recover from all the head-less chicken like running of the previous 5 days. Saturday allows people to plan for a sunday. Imagine if there was no saturday, the cushion for a perfect transition from a gruelling week to a chilling sunday would be lost.

Why is sunday so over hyped anyways? Sunday fills you up with depression, as you know the week starts the very next day. it's because of a sunday that people all over the world hate monday. i mean, what has monday done?poor fellow. All he did was follow sunday.

Saturday takes all the brunt of the week where as sunday very nicely licks up the adulation.

Its time we give saturday its credit thats long overdue.

P.S: For all those living in middle east, just relpace sunday with friday and saturday with thursday and the mesage will not be lost on you.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

You didn't succeed

Put bombs in bins, cycles and all places imaginable you cowards. Kill as many people you want, we are a billion strong nation, we will cope with it. But, for a change show us your F***ing faces, if its a bloody fight then come forward beating your chest and then we will see who has the last laugh, in this case a last cry.
your bombs were not loud enought to shatter our hearts, your bombs weren't strong enough to hurt a nation wounded with poverty and corruption, your bombs are as useless as your plans.
Want to kill more?
I will still go to GK -1 market to hang out, i would still have nimbu soda at prince pan, i will still go to CP, i will still roam aimlessly in the centre park and i will make sure i go to gaffar market now. Are you listening cowards?? target me, you know where i will be, you know where the whole of delhi will be. OUT ON THE F***ING STREETS. target us for all we care because we won't let you succeed,ever.